** Then yesterday David from Operation NOAH brought a truck loaded with the 800 boxes and we unloaded each box individually at Baptist Friendship House. Whew! We worked fast and got each box off the truck ready to give out.
We had donated treats from Whole Foods (pies, cakes, bread, rolls, etc.) that we bagged up and gave to people when they picked up their boxes of food.
We gave out all 800 boxes in 3 hours! Each box can feed a family of four for 10 days, so at the end of the day, thousands of people we given food in New Orleans. There are a lot of hungry families in our city.
The national statistics say that 1 out of every 5 children go to bed hungry in the United States and in Louisiana [Pre-Katrina] 1 out of 3 children go to bed hungry. That number has risen since the Storm and we are doing all we can to feed the hungry families in our city.
*Please pray that there will be more opportunities for food ministries in New Orleans. It takes a lot of resources in order to feed hungry people, so please pray for the financial assistance in order to continue this ministry.
We want to continue this ministry on a monthly basis.... and not stop there! When we gave out the food yesterday we gathered information about each family so we can further minister to them. At Baptist Friendship House, we seek to minister like Jesus did--to the whole person--physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually...which is the greatest need of all!
"Meeting Needs Through Love, Action & Truth"
I think this ministry is so awesome! Since visiting the BFH during the Beth Moore taping, I have daily prayed for the ministry you have and for the people of New Orleans.
Thank you for your prayers! We cannot do it without the prayers and support of people like you. God bless!
hey kay and karina!
i just found your blog and i'm so excited!
i still think about ya'll all the time.
we're still in hammond. we welcomed our 2nd little bundle at the end of august, right in time for gustav. something about babies and hurricanes with us :)
miss you guys. if we are ever down your way we'll stop by!
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