For the month of December Baptist Friendship House is in running for the $250K grant from Pepsi. Each Month Pepsi accepts 1000 entries and we were picked! If we remain in the top 100 we will continue for the next month, however, if we get in the top 1 or 2 spot then we receive the grant. Us receiving the grant totally depends on YOU and your daily support through voting.
You can vote via this link: http://www.refresheverything.com/baptistfriendshiphouse
You can also text your vote: text 104857 to 73774 (Standard text messaging rates apply)
Recently, we joined an alliance of other organizations in Louisiana. The idea is that we share supporters in the hopes that we all be able to place in the top 2 places of our categories and thus we all getting the grant we are applying for. Please consider these as well. The link to view them is as follows:
Once on the page you can click on the blue box and a list of all the organizations in the alliance will come up on the Pepsi Refresh Project page ready to be viewed and/or voted on.
Thank you in advance for your prayers, support, and votes. Please consider voting for us daily in order that we may receive this grant. This grant will enable us to expand our ministry.