Two recent events we have had at Friendship House were an Up2Hope Fun day and our annual Health Fair.
In March we invited girls who had participated in our summer camp to come and enjoy a "spa day." The girls enjoyed getting to feel like the princesses that God has created them to be as they learned about how God cares for each of them, while also enjoying a lunch, manicures, making jewelry, and receiving gift bags. It was such a joy and blessing for us to see their faces light up as they shared laughter and stories with the women that came, other girls at the spa day, and our staff.
The Health Fair was held this past Saturday. We were able to minister to our commnunity throughout the afternoon as they came to our center to receive different medical services. We were blessed with volunteers from churches, LSU School of Nursing, and LSU Ag Center. Men and women who came were able to have their blood pressure and glucose checked, have a hearing and vision screening, receive foot care, among other things that were provided. The individuals and families who came not only received physical care, but also spiritual care as conversations were shared and people were prayed with throughout the day. It was great to see many familiar faces of those we minister to each week, those we haven't seen in a while, and also new faces that we hope to continue to build relationships with in the future. God uses events like the Health Fair to work to bring Himself glory! We are blessed that He allows us to take part in His work. Thank you to all who volunteered, donated items, and prayed. Thank you for choosing to be a part of the minsitry of Baptist Friendship House. 
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