Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Blessings Through Hard Times

Below is a testimony of one of the many ladies that we assist through the ministry here in New Orleans:

Circumstances may have landed me in the situation that I found my self in, but it was the consequences of choices I made. I have the option of having a "pity party" because of what's not going right in my life or I can look at the positive and learn from them. For example, a little over a year ago, I found myself at a New Orleans bus stop after fleeing from a bad situation out of state. When I arrived in New Orleans, I knew no one and had no where to go. As I stepped off the bus, I had a mini stroke that landed me in the hospital for a couple of days. However, I had a full recovery with in 72 hours and was given rehabilitation services. Everything was paid for, however, I lost everything at the bus station. I was in a big city with no family and no ID and only the clothes on my back. I was able to get to an emergency shelter which housed me and also referred me to another program to help me find a job. It was there that I found a flier advertising for Baptist Friendship House. It stated that Friendship House was offering snack packs and hygiene kits. I went to see what this Friendship House was about. I was given the snack pack and hygiene kit but was also allowed to take a shower. You see, at the emergency shelter I was staying only had 2 showers for 30+ women. At Friendship House, I was met with hospitality like no other. They fed me, clothed me and gave me my dignity back. Only God can open such doors if I allow Him the opportunity and I keep my eyes open. As the old cliche says, we cannot out give God. James 1:5-15 tells me I will be tested and face trials of faith, what will I do?! Stand on faith in God.

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