Wednesday, October 23, 2013


This weekend we were able to transition one of our families in to her new home. As we began to unload her things into the home, we had to walk up steps. After unloading, the mom and her 2 kids stood at the top of the steps for a picture with the keys to her new home. It is a celebration. Her little girl was so excited she could hardly stand still. It is a major accomplishment for the whole family.

The steps remind us of what it takes to reach our goals. One of the first things we do when we accept a new family in to our program is set goals. Goals are a way that the individual can see progress in a tangible way. We celebrate each milestone of the process. As we set goals with the families, they are often in the form of stairs. It represents the steps it takes to reach the ultimate goal, in this case, housing.

Thank you for all you do for us and our community. Through your prayers, gifts, and support, it makes what we do possible. Thank you for providing needed supplies, appliances, and household items so that our families will have what they need in their new home.

Please continue to pray for our families. Pray for them as they settle in to their new homes. Pray they would continue to set goals and reach them.

If you would like to view more prayer requests, you can visit our website at

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