Thursday, December 11, 2008
It's Snowing in New Orleans!
This morning, the unthinkable snowed in New Orleans! We were amazed to see the amount of snow falling (and sticking) here in the city! So funny because yesterday morning we were wearing t-shirts and talking about how warm and humid it was...and today, everything changed!
The videos show our backyard and the front of the building.(Stay updated today on our next video. I'm uploading it...and takes awhile.) You can see how hard it was snowing. The kids in New Orleans didn't get to miss school today but some of them probably experienced their first snow!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Over 19,000 Pounds of Food Given Away!
** Then yesterday David from Operation NOAH brought a truck loaded with the 800 boxes and we unloaded each box individually at Baptist Friendship House. Whew! We worked fast and got each box off the truck ready to give out.
We had donated treats from Whole Foods (pies, cakes, bread, rolls, etc.) that we bagged up and gave to people when they picked up their boxes of food.
We gave out all 800 boxes in 3 hours! Each box can feed a family of four for 10 days, so at the end of the day, thousands of people we given food in New Orleans. There are a lot of hungry families in our city.
The national statistics say that 1 out of every 5 children go to bed hungry in the United States and in Louisiana [Pre-Katrina] 1 out of 3 children go to bed hungry. That number has risen since the Storm and we are doing all we can to feed the hungry families in our city.
*Please pray that there will be more opportunities for food ministries in New Orleans. It takes a lot of resources in order to feed hungry people, so please pray for the financial assistance in order to continue this ministry.
We want to continue this ministry on a monthly basis.... and not stop there! When we gave out the food yesterday we gathered information about each family so we can further minister to them. At Baptist Friendship House, we seek to minister like Jesus did--to the whole person--physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually...which is the greatest need of all!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Beth Moore
Beth Moore filmed an updated version of Breaking Free in New Orleans last week. On Friday, Lifeway provided a service project day for the women attending the conference. And guess where they came to work?
Baptist Friendship House!
On Friday, several women came to serve with us at the center. They put together snack packs, hygiene kits, made encouraging cards for the kits and prayed for the ministry. It was an amazing opportunity to allow women from all over the country to serve in New Orleans.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Fall Festival
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
We Love Christmas in August!
We have had a great response to the Christmas in August ministry this year! We are thankful for people like you that support our ministry through projects like this... We love Christmas in August!
We are always in need of these items, because we use them in our transitional housing program as well as give it out to the community. If you want to check out our current needs list you can check out our website:
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
All is Well...
Continue to pray for us as we work with new families and participants in our day programs. Also, remember our upcoming events:
10/4 Pet Fair (*We had to reschedule this event and hope to do it in the Spring.)
10/31 Fall Festival
11/27 Thanksgiving Meal for the Community
We will keep you updated on these events as well as other things planned for the next few months. We are working on a newsletter and hope to get that up to you as soon as possible.
If you would like to receive this newsletter by mail, please contact Karina at
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
As always, thank you for all your prayers!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Back-to-School Party
Friday, August 1, 2008
Saying Goodbye to the Summer
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Fun, Crazy Summer!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Summer is Here!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Another Graduate
Until 2 years later she came to Friendship House and met Michelle. Michelle is our US/C-2 missionary that has her MSW degree and is working toward her license. She started working with Bernadette to prepare for the GED test until she found out the whole story. Michelle called the school board and found out what Bernadette had been waiting for 2 years to know... she had passed the test! She was technically a high school graduate!
All it took was a phone call from our social worker to find out that Bernadette had passed her test. She had to wait two years to find out, but she did not let that stop her. She was so excited and immediately worked toward participating in this year's graduation at her high school.
Bernadette has so many plans for her life. She is working toward attending college in the Fall and has a goal of being a nurse. Please pray for her as she takes these new steps in her life.
We are so lucky here at Friendship House. We have the honor of being a part of the small and big things in people's lives. All it took was a phone call--taking the time to help someone, however small it may seem, can change people's lives.
Dr. Kay Bennett

Monday, May 5, 2008
Go Hornets!

Life at Friendship House

Thursday, May 1, 2008
We Love Mavis Beacon!
Here are a few of our ladies in a computer class....with good 'ole Mavis Beacon! Mavis Beacon is a typing program where it teaches them to type. They can work at their own level and play fun games.
Where was Mavis when I was learning to type in school? Actually where was the computer? I learned on an actual typewriter. Yes I said TYPEWRITER. Do those still exist? Remember those white out strips where you had to put on the paper and hit Backspace to correct a mistake?
Kay tells a story of a lady that was taking a computer class here at the center. She was typing on the computer and she made a mistake. She asked how she was going to use the correction strips on the computer screen. She couldn't understand that all she had to do was hit Backspace. It amazed her!
Many of the women that come to the computer class have never touched a computer and when we mention a "mouse" they look at us funny. So we start teaching them how to use the mouse and how to type. Then we teach them different programs, such as Word and Excel.
But we are thankful for good ole Mavis! She makes it easy and FUN to learn to type. And this is a great way for us to teach women new skills for employment or to just to learn something new.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A Little Bit of Mary Kay....
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Spa Day

Everyone enjoyed it so much and wanted us to do another one soon! We came up with the idea b/c we received hundreds of donations of spa items (nail polish, emery boards, lotion, etc.) from Christmas in August and we knew God had a plan for it all. We wanted a day for them to feel special and loved.
I think they felt that--many said to me that they were so used to taking care of other people that it was nice to be taken care of for once. I shared with them Psalm 139 and told them how they were beautiful, worth living their dreams and LOVED...and told them how much God loves them.
We have such a wonderful atmosphere at Baptist Friendship House--and we know its completely b/c of Him, but I know that many women see that when they come--they see Jesus. Today a lady from Spa Day came back to take a computer class and I said to her,
"Hey, you came back!"
She said, "Yes, it (meaning Friendship House) got to me. I had to come back."
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Baptist Friendship House's Blog
So share this blog with your family, friends, church, etc. We will still have our website where we will keep updated on our events and Needs List. But this is just a more personal way to keep in touch with us.
Please be patient as I work to get this up and may take me a while. :) I am open to suggestions and some CREATIVE help (Anyone technically gifted that can create a cool banner for this blog??).
We love you all!!